Speaking of pre-ordering, you can pre-order Ben Tanzer's masterwork You Can Make Him Like You from Artistically Declined Press. Hot damn. Learn more HERE.
And you can regular order I HAVE TOUCHED YOU, Greg Sherl's masterwork from Dark Sky Books. It ships this week, and then it'll boat all over your face this weekend. Also, Dark Sky has a DEAL going on. Learn mas AQUI.
Lastly, Ethel Rohan, author of Cut Through The Bone, had very nice things to say about my novella Grease Stains, Kismet, and Maternal Wisdom. Here's a snippet:
"Both creator and created take risks in this work and lay themselves bare, and I found myself charmed."
Read Ethel's review HERE. Thank you, Ethel. And speaking of Ethel, she's hanging out with Ravi Mangla today over HERE.
Here's some cuteness for you:
It got there? Terrific - hope you enjoy it.
It sure did get here, Steve, through the wind and the snow and the ice. Thanks again.
Bam. Humongously fine company on this post. Thanks for the shout-out bro.
No sweat, Mr. T.
Thank you, Mel! Bosrohan!
welcome! ha ha!
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