Ethel Rohan's Cut Through The Bone (Dark Sky Books, 2010) is now available for pre-order. Ethel also rocks the spot at Guernica today.
decomP drops their Pushcart Prize nominations. Go, Sparks!
xTx, author of the forthcoming chapbook He Is Talking to the Fat Lady, serves it up over at The Northville Review.
The perpetually youthful Roxane Gay wrote a dissertation and tells us about it.
Ampersand Books offers a sick J. Bradley deal.
Ben Tanzer is beautiful.
So is Christy Crutchfield.
Bound Off releases Issue 57.

PANK gets all homo.
The Writer's Eye Magazine (home of my story No More Hot Lunches for Eddie Socko) returns after an eight-month hiatus rested and recharged.
And my silly ass gets spoiled:

Orange Alert releases Episode 32: Escape into a Dream. I read an excerpt from my novella Grease Stains. HUGE thanks, Jason.

Josh Spilker of Deckfight/Codex offers some great, Greasy words and asks me some questions. HUGE thanks to you too, brotha.
My novella goes Amazon.
Christ. What else?
Have a great weekend. The colors are peaking here, and I am peeking at them. Ha.
Congratulations, Mel! Nice post. Kudos to one and all. Nice to see hard working artists succeeding. Go Amazon!!
thanks, jen! whoooot!
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