Saturday, January 2, 2010


I don't know this man but he was kind enough to let me take his picture. Thank you, man I do not know.

Oprah may in fact read this. You should too. Click clack Cadillac.

.....happy 2010.


Teresa Houle said...


Cynthia Reeser said...

Enjoyed the story. It's always fun to get into Bosworth's imagination.

Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

Happy New Year!

Not to spam your blog, but I thought I'd let your readers know I'm having a poetry contest. Details on the site at The prize is $100 plus publication.

Mel Bosworth said...

Ha! Spam it up. I'll actually post a link on Twitter and Facespace right now.

Happy new hear to you!

Mel Bosworth said...

and happy new YEAR too. you hear?

Mel Bosworth said...

And, T: yes. very sexy.

C: thank you. you are nice.

Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...


Do you ever wonder why there are only two choices when trying to view your blog: "I understand and wish to continue" and "I do not wish to continue"? I think there should be a third choice "I do not understand, but I wish to continue anyway and will take my chances"

Mel Bosworth said...

that's a great point. i would always pick door #3 if given the choice.

Darian James said...

hedonistic bubble