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This morning I woke up to some awesomeness. First I saw blue sky. Then I saw Caleb J Ross's review of When the Cats Razzed the Chickens & Other Stories at Outsider Writers Collective. Check out Caleb's words HERE.
So this morning I'm all about thanks. Thanks to everyone who's supported Razzed in one way or another. You cats are superheros. I'm talking to you, Caleb J Ross, Ben Tanzer, Cynthia Reeser, Ethel Rohan, Dorothee Lang, Matt DeBenedictis, Teresa Houle, Tia Prouhet, Jason Jordan, Eric Beeny, Lynn Alexander, Jessie Carty, Greg Santos, Roxane Gay, Audri Sousa, Jason Behrends, Cooper Renner, xTx, J.S. Graustein, friends & family & many many others. I owe you all a beer. Maybe I'll just buy a keg. I'll even spring for the good stuff. No swill for you cats.
Shut up. Stop thanking people. You're a rock star. Rock stars don't thank the little people.
Make it do what it do.
Yeah, I could definitely go for a bonfire on the beach, with all attending, much rabble-rousing and hilarity to ensue. Congrats, Mel.
Big awesome, Mel. Congratulations. I'm looking forward to getting something hot in the mail real soon--I'm waiting at the window with potholders...
Dude, I appreciate being referred to as super, but I really do think this should be all about you, and your superness. Okay?
Ben: I am....super? I am super. I AM SUPER!
Eric: Razz en route, my man.
Cynthia: Beach bonfire!
Tia: You're right. Screw the little people! I AM ROCKSTAR! No.
....thanks, everyone.
give me some time to make some money and then you can add me to that list yo. don't give up on me, mel. don't turn your back on me.
sheeeiiiit, david. i'll never give up on you and you're already on the list under friends & family & many many others. i just got lazy and had to pop open the umbrella. i'd never turn my back on a superhero. never ever.
No, your super. I hope I get razz in the mail today. If not well... I'm going to build a town of legos (two sky scrapers!!) and then I'm going to destroy it. There will be no survivors.
thanks, matt. i hope you get razz in the mail today too. the little razzer better not be lost. hmmmmmmm.......
Got you chappy in the mail. It looks like da bomb! Can't wait to read it, Mel. Congrats! G
Nice, G-Reg! Nice!
Also nice to be able to bang around with you and Mr. Beeny in the forthcoming PBP PRINT! Nice!
HELL YES. my fingers are corkscrewing in anticipation of RAZZ in my mailbox today. you are the true superhero here, mel. and snazzy cape, sir.
RAZZED mailboxes!
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