Monday, June 15, 2009

New Love at Big Pulp

Winter is very much over, but my little ditty, Winter's Insensitive Children, has come to play at Big Pulp.

Do hang out at Big Pulp for a while. In a word, this place is awesome.

High fives to Bill Olver. My man. Thank you.


xTx said...

is it wrong that a lil' ditty about boning a snowmangirl turned me on a little?

j said...

I'm pretty sure it's winter in Australia. Does that count?

Mel Bosworth said...

X: It's all good.

J: Yes. Yes, it does.

Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

It reminds me a bit of this New Yorker cartoon:

Mel Bosworth said...

That's awesome, Elizabeth. I love a fine looking tape dispenser too.